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发布日期:2025-01-03 19:14    点击次数:174
  据中国气象局,3月24日、25日和26日三天,将可能出现地磁活动。其中,25日可能发生中等以上地磁暴。  🤔️小作业:  1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a potential issue arising from the geomagnetic storm?  A)Severe weather patterns  B) Satellite misalignments  C)Difficulty in aircraft communication  D) Induced currents in power lines  2. What natural spectacle is likely to be enhanced due to the geomagnetic storm?  A) Solar eclipses  B) Meteor showers  C) Aurora borealis  D) Rainbow formations  无注释原文:  Geomagnetic storm from a solar flare could disrupt radio communications and create a striking aurora  From: AP NEWS  Space weather forecasters have issued a geomagnetic storm watch through Monday, saying an outburst of plasma from a solar flare could interfere with radio transmissions on Earth. It could also make for great aurora viewing.  There's no reason for the public to be concerned, according to the alert issued Saturday by NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado.  The storm could interrupt high-frequency radio transmissions, such as by aircraft trying to communicate with distant traffic control towers. Most commercial aircraft can use satellite transmission as backup, said Jonathan Lash, a forecaster at the center.  Satellite operators might have trouble tracking their spacecraft, and power grids could also see some “induced current” in their lines, though nothing they can't handle, he said.  “For the general public, if you have clear skies at night and you are at higher latitudes, this would be a great opportunity to see the skies light up,” Lash said.  Every 11 years, the sun's magnetic field flips, meaning its north and south poles switch positions. Solar activity changes during that cycle, and it's now near its most active, called the solar maximum.  During such times, geomagnetic storms of the type that arrived Sunday can hit Earth a few times a year, Lash said. During solar minimum, a few years may pass between storms.  In December, the biggest solar flare in years disrupted radio communications.  'Severe' solar storm hitting Earth could cause Midwest to see northern lights  From: USA TODAY  A "severe" solar storm hit Earth on Sunday according to the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, causing parts of the nation to be able to see the aurora borealis.  On X, formerly Twitter, the Prediction Center said that a coronal mass ejection event arrived Sunday and caused a G4 geomagnetic storm. The Center said that the strong geomagnetic storm could continue through the rest of Sunday and into Monday.  The SWPC had warned that the storm could reach up to G3 strength on Saturday.  “The public should not anticipate adverse impacts and no action is necessary, but they should stay properly informed of storm progression by visiting our webpage,” the Prediction Center said, noting that infrastructure operators had been notified.  - ◆ -  注:完整题目见本文开头;中文文本为机器翻译并非一一对应,仅供参考含  注释全文:  Geomagnetic storm from a solar flare could disrupt radio communications and create a striking aurora  From: AP NEWS  Space weather forecasters have issued ageomagnetic stormwatch through Monday, saying anoutburstofplasmafrom asolar flarecouldinterferewith radio transmissions on Earth. It could also make for greatauroraviewing.  空间天气预报员发布了将持续到周一的地磁暴预警,称太阳耀斑喷发出的等离子体可能会干扰地球上的无线电传输。这也可能成为观赏极光的绝佳机会。  geomagnetic storm  Geomagnetic storm指的就是“地磁暴、磁暴”,也可以表达为Magnetic storm,英文解释为“an occasion when the magnetic field (= the area of magnetic force around something) of the earth or another planet, a star, etc. is disturbed (= interrupted or changed)”举个🌰:Telecommunications had been affected by a magnetic storm. 无线电通讯受到了磁暴的影响。  📍Geomagnetic storm这个术语更具体地指出了这种风暴与地球("geo"指地球)磁场的关系,因此在科学文献中更常使用。而Magnetic storm可能更多被用在较为通俗的讨论中,但两者所指的是相同的现象。  outburst  outburst /ˈaʊt.bɜːst/ 表示“(尤指愤怒情绪的)爆发,迸发”,英文解释为“a sudden forceful expression of emotion, especially anger”举个🌰:Her comments provoked an outburst of anger from the boss. 她的评论惹得老板勃然大怒。  plasma  plasma /ˈplæz.mə/ 表示“等离子体(一种几乎没有电荷的气体,发现于太阳和其他星球上)”,英文解释为“a type of gas with almost no electrical charge, found in the sun and other stars”如:solar plasma 太阳等离子体流,另一个含义表示“血浆”,英文解释为“the pale yellow liquid that forms 55% of human blood and contains the blood cells”  solar flare  Solar flare是太阳耀斑的意思,它是太阳大气中突发的明亮闪光,由于太阳磁场线的重连引起。这种现象会释放出大量的辐射,包括光辐射和高能粒子,对地球上的无线电通信、卫星系统和电网等可能产生影响。太阳耀斑是太阳活动的一种表现,与太阳黑子活动周期密切相关。  📍flare /fleər/ 作名词,1)表示“(突然的)旺火;(闪耀的)火光”,英文解释为“a sudden increase in the brightness of a fire”举个🌰:There was a sudden flare when she threw the petrol onto the fire. 她把汽油倒到火上时,火焰一下子蹿了起来。  2)表示“闪光信号灯;彩色烟雾信号;闪光装置;照明弹”,英文解释为“a very bright light or coloured smoke that can be used as a signal, or a device that produces this”  interfere  interfere /ˌɪn.təˈfɪər/ 表示“干涉,干预”,英文解释为“to involve yourself in a situation when your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful”举个🌰:It's their problem and I'm not going to interfere. 那是他们的问题,我不想干预。  aurora  aurora /ɔːˈrɔː.rə/ 表示“极光”,英文解释为“a natural appearance of coloured light in the sky that is usually seen in the latitudes (= parts of earth) nearest the Arctic or Antarctic”  There's no reason for the public to be concerned, according to the alert issued Saturday by NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colorado.  根据美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)位于科罗拉多州博尔德市的空间气象预测中心(Space Weather Prediction Center)周六发布的预警,公众无需担心。  The storm could interrupt high-frequency radio transmissions, such as by aircraft trying to communicate with distant traffic control towers. Most commercial aircraft can use satellite transmission asbackup, said Jonathan Lash, a forecaster at the center.  地磁暴可能会干扰高频无线电传输,例如飞机试图与远处的交通控制塔进行通信时可能会受到干扰。该中心的预报员乔纳森·拉什(Jonathan Lash)指出,大多数商用飞机都能借助卫星传输作为应急方案。  backup  backup /ˈbæk.ʌp/ 作名词,表示“备用物(如设备、计划);后备人员;候补物,替代物,备用物”,英文解释为“If you have something such as a second piece of equipment or set of plans as backup, you have arranged for them to be available for use in case the first one does not work.”举个🌰:Every part of the system has a backup. 这套系统的每个部分都有备件。  作形容词,表示“伴奏的;伴唱的”,英文解释为“supporting the main singer, performer, etc. ”如:backup vocals 伴唱。  📍backup-dancer / back-up dancer 还有英式backing dancer都可以表示“伴舞”,英文解释为“a dancer who dances behind or with a main singer, performer, or band”  Satellite operators might have trouble tracking their spacecraft, andpower gridscould also see some “induced current” in their lines, though nothing they can't handle, he said.  他说,卫星运营商可能难以追踪其航天器,电网的线路中也可能会出现一些“感应电流”,不过这些都是他们能够应对的情况。  grid  grid /ɡrɪd/ 作名词,1)表示“网格,方格;格栅,格子”,英文解释为“a pattern or structure made from horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other to form squares”举个🌰:A metal grid had been placed over the hole to prevent people from falling in. 在洞口铺了一个铁格栅,以免有人跌入。  2)表示“电力网,输电网”,英文解释为“a system of wires through which electricity is connected to different power stations across a region”如:the national grid 全国输电网。  induced current  induced current /ɪnˌdʒuːst ˈkʌr.ənt/ 表示“感应电流”,英文解释为“an electric current that results when a second conductor (= a substance that carries electricity) is placed in an area where there is already an electric current”  current作名词,熟词僻义,表示“水流;气流;电流”,英文解释为“a movement of water, air, or electricity in a particular direction”如:to swim against/with the current 逆流/顺流而游。  “For the general public, if you have clear skies at night and you are at higherlatitudes, this would be a great opportunity to see the skies light up,” Lash said.  拉什说:“对于普罗大众来说,如果你所在地夜空晴朗,且位于较高的纬度,这将是观赏绚丽多彩夜空的极佳时机。”  latitude  latitude /ˈlæt.ɪ.tʃuːd/ /ˈlætɪtuːd/ 作名词,1)表示“纬度”,英文解释为“the position north or south of the equator measured from 0° to 90°”  2)表示“(言行或思维上的)自由”,英文解释为“freedom to behave, act, or think in the way you want to”举个🌰:Courts can show a considerable degree of latitude when it comes to applying the law. 法庭在依法量刑断案方面有较大的自由度。  区分:  🚀altitude表示“海拔;海拔高度;高程”,英文解释为“the height above sea level”举个🌰:We are flying at an altitude of 6 000 metres. 我们的飞行高度是6 000米。  🚩longitude表示“经度”,英文解释为“the distance of a place east or west of the Greenwich meridian , measured in degrees”  Every 11 years, the sun'smagnetic field flips, meaning its north and southpolesswitch positions. Solar activity changes during that cycle, and it's now near its most active, called the solar maximum.  太阳磁场每11年会翻转一次,这意味着其北极和南极的位置会互换。在这个周期内,太阳活动会发生变化,现在接近最活跃的时期,称为太阳极大期。  magnetic field  magnetic field /mæɡˌnet.ɪk ˈfiːld/ 表示“磁场”,英文解释为“an area around a magnet or something magnetic, in which it has a force to attract objects to itself”  flip  flip /flɪp/ 1)表示“投掷(尤指硬币)”,英文解释为“If you flip something, especially a coin, you use your thumb to make it turn over and over, as it goes through the air.”举个🌰:I pulled a coin from my pocket and flipped it. 我从口袋里掏出一枚硬币,把它投掷出去。  2)表示“翻动,转动”,英文解释为“If something flips over, or if you flip it over or into a different position, it moves or is moved into a different position.”举个🌰:The plane then flipped over and burst into flames. 这时飞机翻了个个儿,接着就燃烧了起来。  pole  pole /pəʊl/ 1)表示“杆,柱”,英文解释为“a long, thin stick of wood or metal, often used standing straight up in the ground to support things”如:a telegraph/electricity pole 电线杆。  2)表示“(地球的)极(点)”,英文解释为“either of the two points at the most northern and most southern ends of the earth, around which the earth turns”如:the North/South Pole 北/南极。  During such times, geomagnetic storms of the type that arrived Sunday can hit Earth a few times a year, Lash said. During solar minimum, a few years may pass between storms.  拉什说,在太阳极大期,类似周日发生的地磁暴每年会袭击地球几次。而在太阳极小期,可能几年才会发生一次地磁暴。  In December, the biggest solar flare in years disrupted radio communications.  去年12月,数年来最大的一次太阳耀斑干扰了无线电通信。  'Severe' solar storm hitting Earth could cause Midwest to see northern lights  From: USA TODAY  A "severe" solar storm hit Earth on Sunday according to the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, causing parts of the nation to be able to seethe auroraborealis.  据美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)空间气象预测中心(Space Weather Prediction Center)称,一场“严重”的太阳风暴于周日袭击地球,这使得美国部分地区能够观赏到北极光。  the aurora borealis  the aurora borealis /əˌrɔː.rə bɒr.iˈeɪ.lɪs/ = the Northern Lights 表示“北极光”,英文解释为“a pattern of differently coloured lights that are sometimes seen in the night sky in the most northern parts of the world”  On X, formerly Twitter, the Prediction Center said that a coronal massejectionevent arrived Sunday and caused a G4 geomagnetic storm. The Center said that the strong geomagnetic storm could continue through the rest of Sunday and into Monday.  空间气象预测中心表示,在X平台(原Twitter)上表示,周日出现了日冕物质抛射(coronal mass ejection)活动,并引发了G4级地磁暴。该中心表示,强地磁暴可能会持续到周日晚些时候及周一。  ejection  ejection /iˈdʒek.ʃən/ 表示“驱逐,逐出;弹出;(火山等的)喷出物”,英文解释为“the act of ejecting someone or something”  The SWPC had warned that the storm could reach up to G3 strength on Saturday.  空间气象预测中心发布预警称,地磁暴强度可能在周六达到G3级。  “The public should not anticipateadverseimpacts and no action is necessary, but they should stay properly informed ofstorm progression by visiting our webpage,” the Prediction Center said, noting thatinfrastructureoperators had been notified.  “公众无需担心会受到不良影响,也无需采取特别措施,但应通过访问我们的网站来及时了解地磁暴的最新情况,”空间气象预测中心指出,并提到已向基础设施运营商发出了通知。  adverse  adverse /ˈæd.vɜːs/ 表示“不利的;负面的;有害的”,英文解释为“having a negative or harmful effect on something”举个🌰:The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions. 由于天气恶劣,这场比赛已被取消。  infrastructure  infrastructure /ˈɪn.frəˌstrʌk.tʃər/ 表示“基础设施”,英文解释为“the basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively”举个🌰:The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure. 战争严重破坏了该国的基础设施。  - 词汇盘点 -  geomagnetic storm、 outburst、 plasma、 solar flare、 interfere、 aurora、 backup、 grid、 induced current、 latitude、 magnetic field、 flip、 pole、 the aurora borealis、 ejection、 adverse、 infrastructure  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -  A geomagnetic storm, sparked by a solar flare, ejected plasma that flipped poles, causing outbursts that interfered with the magnetic field. This induced currents in grids, adversely affecting infrastructure but lighting up skies with the aurora borealis at various latitudes. Backup systems activated to protect.


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