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发布日期:2025-01-04 17:12    点击次数:76
  《邓婷访谈》:  全球的观众朋友们大家好!我是国家元首访谈栏目《邓婷访谈》创始人,作客本期访谈的特约嘉宾是纽约精英华裔王黎娜女士。王会长,请您和全球的朋友们自我介绍!  《Murphy Interviews》:Hello,Global audiences, I’m the state leaders interview column《Murphy Interviews》founder Murphy DENGTing. The honarable guest who attend this session of《Murphy Interviews》is Lina WANG.  国际海南总商会创始人兼会长王黎娜:全球的观众们大家好,我是国际海南总商会创始人王黎娜,很高兴见到大家。  HICC Founder & President Lina WANG:I’mthe founder of International Hainan Chamber of Commerce(HICC) Lina WANG. I feel so glad to attend《Murphy Interviews》.  《邓婷访谈》:  王会长,您是基于怎样的机缘来到了纽约发展?能否向全球朋友们分享您在纽约奋斗的心路历程?  《Murphy Interviews》:President Lina WANG, should you please share with global audiences what’s the motivation for your development in New York? How is your strugglling life in New York?  国际海南总商会创始人兼会长王黎娜:我出生在海南省海口市,在中国接受大学教育。90年代,当时正值中国改革开放热潮,我来到了美国发展。来美国之初,过程是艰难的,一边学习英文和其它知识,同时努力工作赚钱养活自己。我记得最困难的时候,一天工作近20个小时。通过同学和朋友们的帮助,我结交了许多纽约精英商业人士。虽然现在已经取得了一些成绩,实际上至始至终都是在磨练中成长。  HICC Founder & President Lina WANG:Looking back on the past, it’s reallylike reiver of life. I was born in Haikou city of Hainan Province & obtained bachelor degree in China. In 1990s, there was a wave of reform & opening up & i seized the opportunity to develop in New York. At the very begining, I experienced hardship. On one hand, I need to learn english & other knowleges, on other hand, I must work long hours to make up living. I still remember that I need to work 20 hours per day in the early few years which made me breathless. Luckily, I made lots of business elites friends under my classmates & friends recommendation.  《邓婷访谈》:  据我所知,您本人作为海南海口人,近几年一直致力于带领您创办的海南国际总商会团队回馈家乡,为家乡建设做工作?  《Murphy Interviews》:As far as I known, your’ve been commiteed to leading HICC team to give back to your hometown & help the construction of Hainan Province. Will you be glad to share with us?  国际海南总商会创始人兼会长王黎娜:是的,我一直在做这方面的工作。尤其是海南省成立自贸港以来,我和我的团队一心热衷回报祖国。从2008年北京奥运会以来,我们就一直致力于中美双向经贸、文化交流工作。特别是2022年,2023年,2024年受到海南省政府侨办,海南省贸促会的邀请,参加了三届消博会,博鳌亚洲论坛。尤其是在海南省当地领导的助力下,参观了海口保税区,高新开发区,江东新区。我们与海南省大型企业双向互动,在实地考察交流学习中,总结经验。尤其在今年2024年,在我们国际海南总商会潘为湘主席的带领下,我们取得了很大的成绩。首先是同海南省南国集团,海南白玉香集团,火山口温泉康养基地,琼山的康养基地等,都签署了合作协议。还考察了海南省占地面积最大的农垦局等农业产品,琼海万泉山柚油集团,推动咖啡事业,包括潘主席引进最好的巴西咖啡和蔗糖,以及哥伦比亚咖啡。同时在科技领域也有合作,比如哥伦比亚大学的干细胞,对植物的培植;无人自动汽车驾驶等。  HICC Founder & President Lina WANG:Yes, I’ve been working for contribution. Especially since the establishement of the free trade port in Hainan Province, I have strong desire to give back to motherland China. Since 2008 Beijing Olympics, we have been committed to promoting bilabial economic, trade, & cultural exchanges between China & US. HICC delegation group was consecutively invited by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hainan Provincial Government & the Hainan Provincial Council for the promotion of international trade to participate in Consumer Expo & Boao Forum for Asia. Especially with the assistance of local leaders in Hainan Province, I visited Haikou Free Trade Zone, high tech development zone, & Jiangdong New Area. We angage in interaction with large enterprises in Hainan Province, and also summerized our experiences through on-site inspections, exchanges & mutual learning. Especially in 2024, under the leadership of HICC Chaiman William PAN, out team achieved even more great success. Firstly, cooperation agreements have been signed with Hainan Nanguo Group, Hainan Coconut Fragrance Group, Valcano Hot Spring Inspection Base, Qiongshan Health & Wellness Base, etc. We also inspected agricultural products such as Qionghai Hot spring Commercial Oil, which is the largest agricultural reclamation bureau in Hainan Province. Promoting the coffee industry, including which Chairman William PAN introducing the best brazilian coffee & sugar, as well as colombian coffee. At the same time, we introduced collaborations in fields of technology, such as columbia university’s stem cells & plant cultivation, autonomous vehicle driving, etc.  《邓婷访谈》:  我想提问王黎娜会长,您带领团队考察投资海南,除了源于乡情,是否更因为从海南省自贸港优惠政策中获益颇多?  《Murphy Interviews》:PresidentLina WANG, should you share with global audiences what’s the concrete preferential policies of Hainan Free Trade Port which attract your investment besides hometown attachment?  国际海南总商会创始人兼会长王黎娜:海南省成立自贸港以来,有许多利好政策。进出口贸易的零关税,无论是国内的关税,还是国际口岸的关税,几乎是零。甚至低于香港进出口贸易税额。江东新区,三亚开发区,洋浦开发区,政府都给予很优惠的政策。海口高新开发区,属于科技开发区,政府给予更优惠的政策,比如赴海南开公司,投资等,都会受到政府的扶持和奖励,甚至提供土地和办公室等资源便利。包括近期海口市侨办给我们团队发了邀请函,我们打算赴海南签署具体项目协议,比如潘主席的咖啡和蔗糖项目都要和海南当地企业签约具体项目协议。农业康养开发,也要再进一步签署协议。  HICC Founder & President Lina WANG:Since the establishment of the free trade port in Hainan Province,there have been many favorable policies. Zero tariffs on import and export trade, whether domestic tariffs or tariffs at international ports, are almost zero. It is even lower than the amount of import and export trade tax in Hong Kong. Hainan Provincial Government has given very preferential policies publicly, such as Jiangdong New Area,Sanya Development Zone,Yangpu Development Zone, etc. Haikou High-tech Development Zone, which belongs to the science and technology development zone,the government gives more preferential policies for investors to open company & invest. Investors will be supported and rewarded by the government, and even provided with resources suchvas land and offices. Recently, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Haikou City sent an invitation letter to my delegation group HICC, and we plan to go to Hainan to sign specific projects, such as Chairman William Pan'scoffee and cane sugar projects, and we will sign specific project agreements with local enterprises in Hainan. Further agreements should be signed on the development of agricultural health care, etc.  《邓婷访谈》:  据我了解,您是一个人把女儿带大的,走到哪儿都将她带在身边。请问您是如何兼顾事业奋斗与孩子教育?  《Murphy Interviews》:I learned that you brought up your girl as a single mom. How did you successfully balance family life & career?  国际海南总商会创始人兼会长王黎娜:天下父母心,我深爱我的女儿,对她从来不抛弃也不放弃!我女儿身体虚弱,但是我始终给予她最大的关爱与呵护。单亲带女儿确实辛苦,但是她也给了我很多动力。随着女儿状态越来越好,我的事业也越来越成功。爱可以让人更有担当,爱让母亲变得无比强大。  HICC President Lina WANG:I fond ofmy daughter deeply like global mom. I never give up my daughter though she is more easily to get sick. It’s really a tough thing to be a single mom, while my daughter gave me motivation to succeed. With my daughter’s condition better & better, my career is even more successful. Love teach me to be more responsible, and love makse mothers incredibly powerful.  《邓婷访谈》:非常感谢杰出女性王黎娜女士精彩分享!预祝您持续成为更优秀的纽约-海南经贸文化交流使者,继续为家乡建设作出卓越贡献!  《Murphy Interviews》:I do appreciate for your splendid sharing! Sincerely wish you continually serving as economic, trade, & cultural ambassador between New York & Hainan & make even more great contributions for your hometown in Hainan Province!  国际海南总商会创始人兼会长王黎娜:谢谢主持人!  HICC Founder & President Lina WANG:Thanks!              来源:搜狐



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